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The Solution to the Entrepreneurial Dream Without Quitting Work (at first)

Here at Love My Businesses we tend to focus on how to escape the rat race and quit your day job, but not everyone wants to give up their day job. In this article we explore how your day job is actually your key to freedom and a secure base from which to launch your business. Then one day you will be financially free enough to say goodbye to the Corporate Grind! 


The Be Realistic Lobby?!

How many times have you heard people tell you that you’re chasing a pipe dream and that most businesses fail in the first year? Well, I am telling you now if you let these people into your mindset you will never achieve anything! You need to leave those people behind and grab destiny by the horns! This type of person never gets anywhere in life because they just spin the same old urban myths that keep people trapped in their tedious lives. You are the key to breaking free and getting that entrepreneur mindset off the ground! Leave behind those naysayers! Time to get real! 

The Way of the Entrepreneur That Still Has the Day job!

The reality is that most of the top companies in the world were set up by people who had full time jobs. They had to develop their entrepreneurial skill set in their own  time from home. How many stories have we heard of entrepreneurs who opened their first business from their bedroom, garage or basement? The truth is many of today’s biggest businesses were at one time a small set up that grew into a massive enterprise


Have Gratitude for your 9 to 5 Job

Whoever you are and wherever you live, the common factor for everyone is that they have to pay their monthly bills. With that in mind, your 9 to 5 job is helping you to fulfill those financial obligations. So let your job be your motivation and drive to start your first business. Use your skill transfer and experience to start a successful business. So rather than hating your job, think of it as the stable base that your business will grow from. Are you starting to see what I am saying?


Time Strapped? Be Resourceful!

Okay let’s be brutally honest, those 40 hours in the office can feel like a prison at times. However, let’s look a bit deeper into the time free you have to start a business. Each week has 168 hours; you work for 40 hours and you spend 8 hours a night sleeping which comes to 89 hours. 

So basically you still have 79 hours left over every week which is loads! If you spent 3 hours a day from those 79 hours on your new business that means you have 21 hours each week to build your entrepreneurial dream. You could allocate an hour in the morning by getting up earlier and then two hours each evening. 


Optimise Your Schedule!

So you’re probably thinking how can I spend 3 hours a day on my business? Well, I think  you’ll find that you probably spend that amount of time on social media and watching Netflix. If you are serious about being a successful entrepreneur, give up social media (except for promoting your business) and stop wasting time watching TV. If you really want some personal social media and Netflix time, then schedule it for the weekend, but limit it.


Weekly Schedule 

Those three hours a day need to be used wisely, so write a weekly schedule with an action plan to follow each day e.g. Here is an example schedule for someone planning a new start up (just Monday and Tuesday):


7 to 8am - Brainstorm ideas for products and services

8 to 10pm - Plan a 5-page website including the Services, About Us, Blog etc. Then after you have the outline of the website, start looking at website providers you can pay to design the site for you.


7 to 8am - Write a draft Business Plan for your first 6 months including your costs, marketing budget and overall spending.

8 to 10pm - Read a motivational book by an entrepreneur e.g. Tycoon by Peter Jones. This will give you tips for your startup from someone who is living the dream. 


Peter Jones and His Success/Failure Tale

Peter Jones lost all of his businesses in the 80s along with his house and car. Then he went back to the drawing board and launched a new business which made 200 million pounds in 5 years! This is the kind of positive mentality that you need to submerge yourself in! Embracing failure is part of the business journey; the true entrepreneur bounces back even stronger having learned valuable lessons.

So do you get the idea? Plan and schedule your entrepreneurial pursuits everyday and let go of social media and TV watching because you will never get rich watching TV or reading Facebook all the time!


Stop Hating the 9 to 5!

Stop hating the day job because for now it is your secure platform to launch your business empire! On the days you feel trapped at work and hate it, use that to motivate yourself to break free by setting up a business that thrives. Then a few years down the line you will be able to kiss goodbye to the rat race and live the free life you have always wanted!

Think it sounds like hot air? Well, as I write this article I am sitting in a holiday apartment 8 minutes walk from the beach and it is 33C. I used to be a corporate slave but I set up a business on the side which eventually became my main income! Now I work wherever I have an internet connection. You can do the same!

Don’t believe the negative types that tell you most businesses fail! They will never leave their 9 to 5 with that attitude and quite frankly you are better than that! Get off your chair and start your empire NOW! There are a whole host of online businesses and ways to get passive income. 






Jamieson Lee Hill is the Content and Copywriting Manager for LMB. Hill is a full-stack Digital Marketer and Digital Strategist. Author of two books and an educator, Jamieson is a certified UK lecturer and former Curriculum Manager. He is also an experienced Curriculum Designer and Content Writer.  In addition to this, he is an editor; recent titles include 'Life's A Game' by Mev Dinc and the Adventures of Tom Sharpe by Peter Drinkwater. 

As a lecturer and teacher, he has taught English, Business English, and Enterprise for Business. He also planned, designed, and implemented curriculums in FE colleges and schools for 2 decades. With a Post-Graduate Masters Diploma in Business Management (DMS) and Certified in 11 areas by DigitalMarketer, USA, he is well versed in Business and Marketing. 

Jamieson is also the Lead Content and Copywriter for Blam Websites, a UK franchise with 150+ partner companies in 10 countries. His core areas apart from Copywriting are Content SEO and Social Media Management for SMEs. 

Director for two companies, Jamieson is happiest when working with other positive and dynamic entrepreneurs. He lives by the sea with his wife and two cats working out every day to stay fit and focused. His hobbies are reading as many books as possible, football, languages, and culture. 

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